TR News - 
tellureRota moving solution

Number 3 - September 2009
Reliability = Savings

1. What is product "reliability"? What costs are linked to a failure?
2. Tellure Rôta guarantees the reliability of its products... but what does this mean in concrete terms?
3. Tellure Rôta EEG brackets: reliability assured even for heavy-duty applications


What is product "reliability"?

Defining the quality of a system as its correspondence to specific criteria of operation, we can define reliability as the ability to comply with the operating specifications over time.
The reliability of a system is therefore the measure of probability that it will not fail over a certain span of time.
A failure is an event for which a system definitively violates the operating specifications, interrupting the availability of the services it provides.
Restoring the services leads to costs incurred for replacing components, the time required for repairs, as well as the lack of earnings resulting from the non-availability of the services.

An in-depth look:

How do we calculate the reliability of a product?
Failure analysis - FMEA


The reliability of Tellure Rôta products

Have you ever wondered how much it costs when a trolley is not available due to the failure of the wheels?
And what is the cost of a machine standstill?
And what damage may be caused by non-compliance with the safety regulations tied to the use of unreliable wheels?
For wheels, too, the reliability of the product provides significant savings. This is why Tellure Rôta has always been deeply committed to supplying reliable wheels and brackets.
But how is this accomplished in concrete terms?
a. Designing each article with attention to its final use
b. Selecting the best suppliers of raw materials and semi-finished goods
c. Testing upon reception and in all the stages of the production procession as it progresses
d. In-house laboratory for testing the finished product according to the current European standards and regulations
e. Providing consultancy for choosing the right wheel for any specific application.

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EEG brackets: guaranteed reliability for heavy-duty applications

How do you guarantee the reliability of the wheels when heavy loads have to be moved, with frequent side impacts and frequent changes of direction?

Tellure Rôta proposes the new electro-welded brackets for paired wheels that guaranteeing a high load-bearing capacity and a low centre of gravity, therefore ensuring agile handling even in heavy-duty applications.

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The Tellure Rôta accounting report for the 2008 financial year is available in Italian and English. Would you like to have a copy? Contact us

Tellure Rota Spa
Via Quattro Passi 15, 41043 Formigine (MO) - Italy, IT00180900367
Italia: 059 410300-306, E-mail:
Estero: +39 059 410302, E-mail: - Fax: +39 059 572859 | |


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